
10 Psychological Insights to Increase Online Sales Pt. 2

Since the early days of brick and mortar shops, psychologists and marketers have worked together to undergo extensive research into figuring out what makes us want (or need) to make a purchase. What are the triggers that  influence us to purchase one product over another and what sways our decision making process? After all, by understanding what goes into a purchasing decision, it becomes simpler to manipulate your advertising or messaging to gain better results in the future.

10 Psychological Insights to Increase Online Sales Pt. 1

Since the early days of brick and mortar shops, psychologists and marketers have worked together to undergo extensive research into figuring out what makes us want (or need) to make a purchase. What are the triggers that  influence us to purchase one product over another and what sways our decision making process? After all, by understanding what goes into a purchasing decision, it becomes simpler to manipulate your advertising or messaging to gain better results in the future.